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Midnight Rambler

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Anders will show you how to play this classic Rolling Stones song. Guitar 1 is an electric playing the classic main bluesy riff of the song. Guitar 2 plays the signature slide part. And for the first couple of verses everything is fairly straight forward like that. Then after the 3rd verse the whole band gradually switches from a swing feel to a straight feel, which culminates in an awesome guitar riff that eventually stands completely on its own. After the change in rhythmic feel the song switches again to a slow epic blues groove. Finally they build it back up to end it like they started it. As you can hear there's so much cool stuff to be learned from this song, even if you never plan to play this whole arrangement like it is on the record! This song is in the key of B, in 4/4 time and the tempo changes throughout the whole song.

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Midnight Rambler