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Sweep Picking Series 4: More Applications

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Sweep picking is a technique used to get a lot of harmonic or melodic information (notes) into a relatively small amount of time. This technique is called sweeping because you pick (by sweeping) across the strings in one continuous motion, in one direction. This technique can and usually does also involve slightly muting the strings with your right hand after you pick any given note to get a clean articulation. The left hand must also follow the picking motion closely.

In this tutorial you will learn to apply sweep picking technique to some basic chord progressions in a blues and jazz style setting using major and minor chord tones and scale notes.

This is the fourth in a series of tutorials on sweep picking. If you are new to the sweep picking technique, I encourage you to start at series 1, 2 & 3:

Sweep Picking Series 1: The Basics

Sweep Picking Series 2: Expanding The Sweep

Sweep Picking Series 3: Basic Applications

Lesson Info
Sweep Picking Series 4: More Applications