Sting Songs

© Barbara Alper/Archive Photos/Getty Images
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In this tutorial Anders Mouridsen will teach you an instrumental solo acoustic guitar arrangement of the song Fields Of Gold as made famous by Sting. You'll learn to play the melody, the bass, the groove and the harmony all at once, which requires some hard work and concentration! We'll look at all the techniques necessary to play the verses, choruses, and interludes; we'll take it slowly, note by note. We'll finish it off with a play along where you'll be able to play the full arrangement of this beautiful song.

Published: 02/07/2011

Dave will show you the classical guitar part that consists of sophisticated jazz chords in a sparing way, single notes lines and 6th interval diad lines. There's also an elegant guitar solo and some triads by an overdubbed second guitar.

Published: 10/13/2016