Better Than Ezra Songs

Better Than Ezra
© SGranitz/WireImage/Getty Images
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In this group of lessons we'll break down the parts of the song, "Good", made famous by Better Than Ezra in the mid 90's. We'll learn the four chord progression that occurs throughout the song, the form and dynamics, the rhythm parts, the raw unusual solo, and you can play along with our custom backing track at the end.

Published: 10/07/2010

In this set of song lessons, Mike Olekshy will be teaching you "Desperately Wanting", by Better Than Ezra. Mike will tune you into the tones, then move on to the intro and verse riff. Then Mike will dive into the aggressive chorus part, followed by the bridge in two parts. We'll finish off with the outro of the tune, then a play along performance and a jam along with the guitars muted.

Published: 02/23/2012