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How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You)

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Now it's time to play through this whole song with the backing track. So play along if you're ready for it, and if you're not just yet, you can always watch me play through it a couple of times before you play along!

I hope you've learned a lot from this tutorial on "How Sweet It Is". This kind of rhythm guitar works so well when there's a lot going on with the other instruments. The guitar sits right in the sweet spot both rhythmically, harmonically and even frequency-wise. It just pops out when you need to hear it, and doesn't step on or clash with any of the other things you hear from the band.

The sax solo is really melodic and builds nicely, and I hope that it will inspire you to go transcribe some more solos played by other instruments other than the guitar. That's a great way to develop a unique sound as a guitar player.

Lesson Info
How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You)