This concept can be applied to minor chords as well. We'll start with the C minor scale.
c(1) - d(2) - e-flat(3) - f(4) - g(5) - a-flat(6) - b-flat(7) - c(1)
So, a C minor chord consists of the notes c(1), e-flat(3) and g(5) played together. Notice the c and g are the same, the only note that is different is the 3rd, being a minor 3rd instead of a major 3rd.
Again, anywhere, on any musical instrument you play those 3 notes together is a C minor chord. On the guitar, we can play this basic triad of the C minor chord in a way that is similar to the open C major chord except with the e-flat instead of the e. This is why we don't have a simple open C minor chord, it's hard to play and the open E string isn't available.
Let's look at the other open minor chords we use as beginners.
Lesson Info
Tutorial Lessons
- Chord Theory: Introduction
- Major Chords
- Moveable Major Chords
- Major Triads & Inversions
- Major Chord Voicings Across The Fretboard
- Minor Chords
- Moveable Minor Chords
- Minor Triads & Inversions
- Minor Chord Voicings Across The Fretboard
- Practical Applications: Musical Direction
- Practical Applications: Register
- Practical Applications: Accompaniment
- Practical Applications: Embellishments
- Chord Theory: Conclusion