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Rebel Rouser

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Now let's look at what's happening here with the left and right hands. First off, there's a terrific bend on the 2nd fret of the low E string which is a really great country sound. Then, we outline the notes of an E major chord: E, G#, and B, while quickly passing through an A which serves as a passing tone.

Then we move back down and set up for an A major chord outline, or triad as it's called. These notes are A, C#, and E. Notice on all of these that I'm using my left hand index finger for the notes on the 2nd fret and my pinky finger for all of the notes on the 4th fret.

Then we return to familiar territory with the B and and the bend that opened the intro. The melody repeats but is played over a B7 chord on the repeat which keeps things moving and set up a nice return to the beginning of the section.

With the right hand, I'm playing all downstrokes and keeping my hand pretty close to the bridge.

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Rebel Rouser