Tricky Picking and Bending 2
This lick is interesting because it uses mostly major chord tones: the root, or 1st scale degree, major 3rd and 5th scale degree. But it winds up sounding a lot more complicated because of all the guitaristic ornamentation we use to get those two notes played.
We start by bending the D on the G string up to the E (3rd scale degree). Hold on to that bend for an almost pedal steel guitar sound. Next, we play the G over on the B string. Pick, bend and bring down the bent E on the G string again. Next, play the root note C on the G string. Quickly play the A (major 6th scale degree) on the D string, then finish on the root note C on the G string. That's the basic lick.
Once you get the mechanics of it right, then it's time to play it right rhythmically. This lick and track uses straight 1/8th note rhythms. Start the lick on the downbeat of beat 1.