Roy Nichols had his own concept for chicken pickin', too. He used a flat pick mostly. His approach was to push the pick further back between the thumb and index finger leaving the tip of the pick sticking out just a little. On a downstroke, his thumb would slightly mute the string after playing it while his index finger would mute the string on an upstroke. This gave all the notes a harmonic effect if the pick was placed right.
The smaller jazz picks he used made this easier to do. He used standard-sized, medium picks with "HAG AND THE STRANGERS" printed on them when picking with Merle Haggard.
I put together a few notes in Roy's style to show you his chicken pickin' concept. This is easy to do after you find out where to place your pick. You may find it hard at first to keep the pick in position but you'll get used to it. You can also bite your pick like Roy did to create some grips.
This is in the key of D. It can be moved using the musical alphabet and used in other keys.