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Extended Harmony Chords Series 3

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In this lesson we'll use dominant flat 13th chords in a stereotypical jazz chord progression. We'll play a I-VI-ii-V chord progression using various voicings of these chords.

The first time through the progression I'll use the diminished 7th in between the I & ii chords.

Amaj7 (I) - A#dim7 (vii dim of ii) - Bmin11 (ii) - E b13 (V)

The second time through the progression I'll use the dominant 7th flat 9th in between the I & ii chords.

Amaj7 (I) - F#7b9 (V of ii) - Bmin11 (ii) - E b13 (V)

Lesson Info
Extended Harmony Chords Series 3