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More 12 Bar Blues in A

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Continuing with this blues Tutorial Series, we are going to learn how to play yet another variation on our 12 Bar Blues in A!

Let's start by establishing a simple rhythm to use. As in many "blues" songs the rhythm is an eight-note triplet pattern. That means you will have 3 ("triplets") evenly spaced counts occur on every beat. This leads to a background counting pattern of:

1 & uh 2 & uh 3 & uh 4 & uh (repeat) for every measure.

In this example we will play notes on the beat "number", skip the "&" and then play notes on the "uh". This leads to a "swing" type rhythm that is very typical for "blues" (and also "jazz" and/or "swing") style songs.

The trick in this one is to get your pinky into the action! Or you can practice sliding your ring finger back and forth. Both are useful techniques to learn and use.

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More 12 Bar Blues in A