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Ruby Tuesday

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After the verse that you just learned, we go to a pre-chorus. For the pre-chorus we'll start out with our A minor chord.

The next chord is a D major chord, and we'll voice it by holding down our A minor chord and then simply moving our 2nd finger from the D string to the low E string. This is the same note as we normally have on the high E string in our basic open voicing, only now it's a bass note. So we have the 3rd in the bass, which is a very different sound.
The note on the B string is our b7, so this is a D7 with the 3rd in the bass.

Now for G, we'll make it easy and simply move our 2nd finger up one fret to the 3rd fret. Then that repeats.

After that we're back to our C chord for 2 bars, with the middle 4 strings. You can simply do a basic G chord for 2 bars. But I'll add a little sus4 embellishment with my 1st finger in the 1st fret of the B string.

Finally you have the option of mimicking the drum fill in your strumming on those last two beats.

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Ruby Tuesday