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The Happy Anatomy of a Major Chord

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Let’s test our theory, using a different major chord, the G chord, in open position.

First, let's do a quick review of the G Major scale, the first octave. Let’s call the notes by their number (1, 2, 3, etc.).

Now, let’s apply the recipe for the major triad.

We’ll take note #1(G), note #3(B), and note #5(D). Play just those three notes together, and you have the major triad, the basis for the G Major chord.

But what about the other 3 strings? Remember, they have to be either G’s, B’s, or D’s to qualify as belonging in the recipe.

But it doesn’t matter what order they fall in, as long as they stick to the rules.

Let’s check the note on the 3rd string, played open in the G chord. It’s another G!

The second string, played open in the G chord, is another B! And the first string, played on the 3rd fret in the G chord, is another G! So it all works out.

The whole handful of six notes that appear in the G chord on the guitar, are all only G’s, B’s, or D’s.

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The Happy Anatomy of a Major Chord