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Songwriting 101

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Thank you all for sticking with me. I hope you learned a thing or two about songwriting and song form. Here are a few reminders:

1) Don't forget, even some of the most complicated compositions still have a structure. Take some time to listen to your favorite songs and see if you can figure out the form that those writers used.

2) As you come up with your own tunes, don't be afraid to use repetition as a tool. If something is good enough to do once, it's probably good enough to do twice.

3) Always remember, songwriting is a form of storytelling, even if your songs don't have lyrics. Is the structure of your song helping or hindering the story you’re trying to tell?

4) Finally, songwriting is all about making choices. It's okay to love or hate a song or a section of a song, as long as you can explain why. Remember: a true songwriter has opinions about music, and they know how to use them.

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Songwriting 101