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Low Rider

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The main guitar part you hear throughout "Low Rider" is a steady groove and melody that varies only slightly throughout the track. The key is to keep this part steady, and in the pocket with the rhythm section. You will play this throughout the entire song.

Here are some key points to help you through it:

1. You will play this part throughout the entire song, playing a few variations throughout. You can just play the same part the entire time if you want, but feel free to add any of the embellishments I mention.

2. Really pay attention to how the guitar groove fits against the bass part, which is vamping on a G7 chord. The two bar phrase starts on beat 2 of the phrase, playing quarter notes from B to D to E to G. You will then rest for one beat, then complete the phrase moving from Bb to B.

3. Occasionally instead of playing B to Bb you can play G back to E; which you hear in the song from time to time.

Lesson Info
Low Rider