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China Grove

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First let's talk about the guitar tones that I'm using to imitate this recording. I'll be using my Gibson 335 for all the guitar parts. You don't have to use the exact gear that they used on this song to come close to the tone, if you just use your ears to dial whatever gear you have. Then the rest is in the fingers and how you play!

I'll be running my guitar through a modeled Marshall Plexi amp turned up pretty loud so I get some nice crunch out of it. It's kind of a tricky thing to get the right amount of distortion for this song, because the tone is pretty distorted, but all the notes are still really defined and separated. Try to add distortion til you think it's a little too much, and then gradually turn down from there, til it sounds just right!

For the main riff I'm also using an emulated tape delay, with the mix set to 12 'o clock, the feedback set to 3-4 repeats and the timing set to match the quarter notes of the groove.

In the bridge section I'm using a basic clean tone. It's a really neutral and almost "boring" sounding clean tone, so just remove whatever distortion effects you have and try to match the dry tone of this section.

For the lead guitar I'll be using a modeled AC30 amp with a distortion pedal similar to a RAT. I have the amp cranked and the pedal controls set to 11 o'clock for the distortion, 2 o'clock for the treble cut, and the volume set to match the bypassed volume.

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China Grove