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No More Mr. Nice Guy

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I'll be using my Gibson 335 and my Strat to play this song, and I'll be running it through some modeled Fender amps, but as always: you can play this song on any guitar and through any amp!

For the riff and the following rhythm guitar part I'll be using some reverb and subtle overdrive coming from the amp being turned up really loud. Since it can be problematic to crank your amp like that, you can use an overdrive pedal instead. Make sure to use your ears to dial in the right amount of overdrive- too much and you lose the individual notes! I'll also be using a pretty loud delay with an extremely short delay time. That almost makes the riff sound like it is being doubled by a second guitar!

For the other rhythm guitar I'll be using a pretty subtle chorus effect. The chorus pedal I'm using only has one knob controlling everything and I have that set to 12 'o clock, which is a pretty neutral sounding chorus effect. You don't wanna get too weird with it for this part...

For the lead guitar I'll be using a fuzz pedal, since I'm playing single notes and want the extra sustain and saturation that you get from a really distorted sound like that. I am also using quite a bit of reverb and some tape delay to give it some extra ambience. The delay is set to a single, pretty loud repeat, which is often referred to as a slap back delay.

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No More Mr. Nice Guy