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Louie Louie

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Here's a really fun tutorial for you, a great song to start with if you want to get into hard rock guitar playing. We'll be learning Motorheads version of the song "Louie Louie".

We'll be checking out some typical rock chord voicings in the open position, we're gonna apply these to the main riff which is really cool and quite recognizable.

The verse of the song is fairly similar with the same chords but we're gonna look at how you can alter some rhythms and come out with a different part.

There's also an overdubbed guitar we'll be looking into, so that you can see how doubling a part helps emphasize some rhythmic synchopations.

After the second chorus there's a great solo that's ideal to learn if you're just getting into rock guitar.

But before anything, let's talk about the tone you want to use...

Lesson Info
Instructor Henrik Linde
Louie Louie