Now, you don't need anyone to tell you what to do when the song ideas are flowing one after another--other than to try and hang onto as many of those ideas, lyrically and musically, as you can, even if you don't get to "finish" them. They just might come in handy when you hit a dry spell! Tape recorders and bits of paper are sources for sudden inspiration when times are tough. I try to record little pieces of music I create on one of those microcassette recorders. I remember once finding a tape and wondering what was on it. I found a melody that I'd forgotten about and BANG! Out came a new song. That's how "ONE MORE" was born.
But what if...what if you've been sitting in front of a blank page for days, or even weeks? What can you do? A vicious cycle begins--the less you write, the more you panic--the more you panic, the less you write.
If it's to a real extreme, I'd suggest you first STOP TRYING so hard for a couple of days. Sometimes it works like reverse-psychology, if you tell yourself you can't write...well, you never know!
Here are some other tips to get past writer's block:
Get into some reading--new books, fiction, non-fiction, magazine articles, anything
Try another instrument--sometimes the sound of a different guitar or a new keyboard sound will get the ball rolling. Play an instrument you don't normally play!
Go for a drive, do some housework or gardenwork, something that will allow your creative mind to wander.
Find a new coffeeshop or hangout you haven't been to before. Go alone and be an observer and open yourself to everything you see and hear (and bring that notebook!)
Listen to some music you haven't heard much of...classical, alternative, just might point you in a fresh direction.
Learn a new chord, or progression, or even a whole song...the bigger the challenge the better.