help plzz

ive almost been playing guitar for a year now and i know mainly just riffs from songs i like and stuff any of you got suggestions on good rock songs "that are easy to play" that i should try and learn and im tryn to learn the whole song and not just a riff thanks for any of the suggestions
# 1
Look at some Nirvana stuff. Also, since you're having such a hard time getting started maybe you should consider getting guitar lessons.
# 2

First song i ever learnt was Handle This by sum 41, and i stuck with them at that time cos most of their stuff is pretty easy.
# 3

When I started out I learned a lot of Black Sabbath cause to me, their stuff is great sounding and quite basic. Tony Iommi has a few easy solos, the only thing I could recommend is practice. Guitar Lessons would be something to look into as iiholly said.
# 4

If you want to learn some riffs, look them up. . They have loads and loads of tabs of just about any song.
# 5

when i started learning guitar almost 3 years ago i learnt the entire enema of the state album by blink 182. this helped alot because 3 months later i was writing my own punk songs from the 'blink chords'. after that i started learning simple metallica like the riff from the unforgiven and after bout 8 months i could paly all of enter sandman and bluff my way through the solo as my accuracy wasnt perfect. i also found a site called . itz totally free and its basically an online guitar teacher. hopefully this has helped u out. keep playing! keep practising whenever you can.
My amp is a weapon of mas DISTORTION!!!!
# 6

the blink chords ur talking about are called power chords and the occasional barre chords....very easy, very boring stuff
Power chords are way over used these days
Power chords are way over used these days
In memory of Randy Rhoads
# 7