www.xiyon.com and i promise you wont be dissappointed.
whitehot guitarist

G`day i`m a guitarist from downunder i`ve been playing now for about 8 years and i`ve just released my first cd , XIYON---ETERNITY if you are interested in hearing some amazing guitar work just go to my website
www.xiyon.com and i promise you wont be dissappointed.
www.xiyon.com and i promise you wont be dissappointed.
# 1

I hate to say it but every song sounds exactly the same and there is nothing on there that I haven't heard before
just your average neo-classic shredder
just your average neo-classic shredder
Alas Gandalf lives, Middle Earth is again safe...
# 2

whitehot? hmmm hmmmm hmmmm. errr maybe highly delayed guitarist, with a synthesiser too many. sure is err i would say somethin like (quote of back to the future here) "that sure is some intresting music you've got there marty". but unfortunatly that would be deciving people into thinking it original. before you say bet you cant play like that i will counteract it by saying i could if i was just using the harmonic minor and had a delay pedal (yes i admit that is the only scale i would be able to play like that in :p ), but thats boring an not my style so any way. if your wondering why this may sound harsh its because my expectations were huge, mainly due to this whitehot guitarist talk proclaimed by the guitarist him/herself, so i think if ts proclaimed that much then it can also be shot down that much.
The sun is shining the weather is sweet
# 3
p.s. Moving this to "Places to Go..."
p.s. Moving this to "Places to Go..."
... and that's all I have to say about that.
[U]ALL[/U] generalizations are [U]WRONG[/U]
[U]ALL[/U] generalizations are [U]WRONG[/U]
# 4
I'm clinging to the hope that you spelled "Zion" incorrectly on purpose. However, in today's world, it is more probable that you did not. Anyhow, yeah, you had some ok chops, but you may want to tone down the arrogance a little, it certainly wasn't as good as you made it out to be.
# 5
Ouch, dude... I don't know if it's a problem with my computer, but it sounds like 18 different songs playing at once, and every time there's the same string synth playing in the background....
Not sure if you're looking to advertise or if you're looking for constructive criticism. Let us know.
Your mixes could use some work. If you'd like, post up in the Recording section, and Doc Simon will give ya a hand with tightening them up.
Not sure if you're looking to advertise or if you're looking for constructive criticism. Let us know.
Your mixes could use some work. If you'd like, post up in the Recording section, and Doc Simon will give ya a hand with tightening them up.
... and that's all I have to say about that.
[U]ALL[/U] generalizations are [U]WRONG[/U]
[U]ALL[/U] generalizations are [U]WRONG[/U]
# 6

Once again somebody hasn't bothered testing their site for Mac compatibility.
So, not only do the music files not work, there's also nonsense text all over the page.
So, not only do the music files not work, there's also nonsense text all over the page.
Hey you kids! Get outta that Jello tree!! :mad:
# 7