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Joined: 11/19/03
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Registered User
Joined: 11/19/03
Posts: 143
05/20/2004 6:52 am
Originally Posted by: educatedfilmever seen them in a jar? I have hehehe...then again, Ive seen pretty much every part of anatomy either on a jar or on the actual body...
Disection is so unbelievably dull for those reading htis.. it's intresting for the first few hours...but when you total upto maybe 60hours gets on your t-ts...never mind the swollen ankles from standing about...[/QUOTE]

My friend and I were in an anatomy museum with body parts in jars as well as a few oddities. We were looking a two headed fetus, whilst my friend was eating a Big Mac. A women close by was so disgusted she threw up.

[QUOTE=Dr_simon]Glad I changed to bugs, animal cells and yeast !

I'd prefer dissecting cow, sheep or rat parts parts than working with fridges full of bacteria and yeast. On one work experience, I went to a path lab of a hospital and worked in the micro biology wing for a few days. Opening up fridges with thousands of petry dishes of bacteria and yeast, the smell was overpowering. As well as growing stuff like Chlamydia, it wasn't nearly as good as cutting up skin and colon then making slides in Histology.

The worst thing I've heard about body parts is from a doctor in training at uni, who has some guys in the class the cut the penis off the corpse they used to examine, then went to the toilet in a urinal next to the prof and dropped the dick, as though it was their own, and pretended they were in pain.
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