View post (Callin all fender/squire haters)

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Insert witty remark here
Joined: 12/14/00
Posts: 1,322
04/27/2004 4:28 pm
Originally Posted by: Petzwell... first i agree with azraels argument about 24 frets. and there are songs i played lately that were up there :) some metallica stuff for example.
about the humbuckers... well i just don't like the sound of single coils, thats all. but hey, i really like my middle single coil because i anchor on it :p
and i really like my floyd rose... i agree, that it's mostly used in the rock metal scene. but well it's just fun using it, doing dive bombs, holding your guitar up on the tremolo bar and other cool stuff. and another thing why i prefer it is that you can make the note higher and not only lower like those fender tremolos can. aaaaand you can vibrato with your right hand :-)
and... yeah of course i'm into metal and rock... but if i buy a guitar because it looks like a metal guitar i would own a bc rich ;)

If you hold your guitar up by the tremelo bar, you are asking for major problems.

Ask Hairbndrckr, he's pulled a trem out of the guitar by doing that. It may look cool for about 20 seconds until snap crackle pop, your standing there holding the trem unit in your hand and the guitar is on the floor in peices.
Sometimes I hit notes only dogs can hear.