"Better to Reign in Hell, than to Serve in Heaven."
Fretboard Intonation Meaturment help!!

Hey everyone wasup? Im in the process of building a guitar..and I was wondering a few things..I need sum Exact measurments to get started...been researching it all like hell and think i could use a little help....i mean my style of guitar would b more along the lines of a Gibson guitar or even a BC Rich style...depends....ne ways the question is how do i properly space out the fretwire on the fretboard? I mean what are the measurments?..im lookin got a longer neck than usual...my BC Rich warlock i bought is a 25.5" and has 24 frets..i would use that for sure..but I have seen sum guitars with about 27 frets or a bit more....i kno they are customized, im just wondering if n e one coudl help me out or if n e one knows a site that could help me with the measurements of How much more length i have to add to the neck and also the actual distand frum the fretwire in each fret. thats about the main question have now to begin with...and thats all i really need help with at the moment...if anyone coudl help me i GREATLY appreciate it...u could email me at [email]maxm411@hotmail.com[/email] and/or Add me to your MSN list with that email and let me kno.....or if not then just Post a reply here! thanks A LOT in advance to n e one who can help me :cool:
# 1

sounds to me like you need a fret ruler...
go here..
they have all kinds of luthier supplies...
go here..
they have all kinds of luthier supplies...
"The one truly great thing about this life is that noone can sincerely and truly help someone, without helping themselves"
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ralph Waldo Emerson
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