I have been wondering and have been given many opinions of wheater Jimmy Page is actually satanic of not. If anyone has any clues, question, or comments post
Here is a good site to check it out, it is Srairway to Heaven
Is Jimmy Page Satanic?

# 1

You CAN hear Satanic messages if you turn Stairway to Heaven backwards, but who cares, really...
# 2

# 3
Dude, some people can hear satanic messages when recordings of people farting are played backwards !
Remember the witch hunts of yester year ?
Remember the witch hunts of yester year ?
My instructors page and www.studiotrax.net for all things recording.
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
# 4

Who would've thought that with the vast amount of recorded phrases that have been sung in history, that a few of them might say one or two words that resemble 'Satan' when played backwards? If playing it backwards said, "I worship Satan. Go to school and shoot everyone," maybe I'd believe it... but cmon, it says "oomph nguk lab yuum stfed satan lum squeek yalf"... There's only one word that's coherent in the whole sentence. You have to want a satanic message to be there to take it that way. Besides, if I sang something and it said Satan when played backwards, would that make me a Satanist?
"You must stab him in the heart with the Bone Saber of Zumacalis... well, you could stab him in the head or the lungs, too... and the saber, it probably doesn't have to be bone, just anything sharp lying around the house... you could poke him with a pillow and kill him."
- Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The Universal Re-Monster
- Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The Universal Re-Monster
# 5

Originally posted by TheDirt
If playing it backwards said, "I worship Satan. Go to school and shoot everyone," maybe I'd believe it... but cmon, it says "oomph nguk lab yuum stfed satan lum squeek yalf"...
lmao @ that. Very true
~When it's dark enough, you can see the stars~
# 6

nah, he's not a satanist. he's just an amazing guitarist.
"Lets see… well I play the guitar and when I'm not playing the guitar, I think about playing the guitar. My other favorite instrument, is the guitar and if I aspired to play any other instrument, it would be the guitar...
I can’t sing so I sing through my guitar. So when the sound guy says: “Your guitar is too loud!” I think: "Why does he never say that to the vocalist?"
I can’t sing so I sing through my guitar. So when the sound guy says: “Your guitar is too loud!” I think: "Why does he never say that to the vocalist?"
# 7

But if he is playing the blues (nicely) you would say that he has sold his soul to the devil, right?
so he must be involved
so he must be involved
The world is loaded, it's lit to pop, nobody is gonna stop!
# 8

Originally posted by TheDirt
"oomph nguk lab yuum stfed satan lum squeek yalf"
Why would someone ever sing the words "Flay keeuqs mul natas defts muuy bal kugn hpmoo" in a song?
OoooooooOOoOOOOoooo you were being funny. I feel stupid.
Hahahahahahahaha! I get it!
I'm going to start putting this on every message I post in the next few days: please join the email group that I have started (see Open discussion), even if you don't have your own songs. We need a few more people.
There are only two important things in life - There's music and theres girls, not necessarily in that order....
The Ace's Guitar Tricks
The Ace's Guitar Tricks
# 9
Oh yeah Jimmy Page is satanic, and so is Harry Potter. QUICK THROW AWAY all your Led Zepplin cd's and harry potter books or you're going to hell... :rolleyes:
# 10

From an article I came across.
how did the rumors get started concerning the song Stairway to heaven containing satanic messages? I've listened to this album numerous times through and have never been able to find any lyrics that even sounds remotely satanic. I am sure this is just a rumor, but I was wondering as to how it may have got started. Thanks for any info you may share.
All the best
Hey David!
First off, I must say that there is absolutely no backwards masking or satanic messages in Led Zeppelin music. I've tried to find it, I've heard radio DJ's try to find it, and lots of other people and no one can find anything conclusive. The most famous rumor is, if you play Stairway To Heaven backwards, you can hear the words "here's to my sweet Satan." I've heard that and it doesn't sound like that at all, unless you really concentrate so you can "fool" your own mind into thinking it does. Both PAGE and PLANT have both been quoted as saying they were never so immature as to do that and "Why?" they would say; "Where would we have found the time to do something so stupid anyway?"
The rumors became well known as the 70's turned into the 80's and religious folk, mostly Baptist preachers who hated rock and roll of any kind, would search out the "heavy" bands look for these so-called satanic messages.
So, in April 1982 a committee of the California State assembly convened to listen to Zeppelin irate Baptist preachers were all there to listen to, not only Led Zeppelin, but other so-called "heavy metal" & "satanic" bands. They played the record "Stairway to Heaven backwards, and claimed to here the words "here's to my sweet Satan." Like I've said, it's just not there unless you really push yourself to hear it. I mean c'mon. You can hear anything in any song if you try hard enough. Y'know?
This is all completely ludicrous of course.
Before that, the rumors were just simple "Zeppelin sold their soul to the Devil" rumors that started in the mid-seventies with the kids. Some fans truly believed that there was no way Zeppelins incredible success and rise to fame could have been done only by the 4 musicians themselves. They forget about the 5th member of Led Zeppelin..Peter Grant, their manager. He was as crucial as any band member in spreading the word about Zep and making deals and such.
Zeppelin were so big because they worked their asses off. They toured and toured, sometimes circling the world and playing three to six USA tours IN ONE YEAR alone! Not to mention their music was astounding and their live shows were the stuff of legend. Even Zeppelin on their worst nights were better than anyone else out there. And that's because they always gave 110%, no matter what. When they ran out of their own songs to play, they would perform Elvis and Beatles songs, James Brown, anything to keep the crowd on their feet. Sometimes the encores would go longer than the actual shows, as the crowd just would not let them leave. Many shows went over 4 hours with only 45 minutes worth of material!
Zeppelin never needed gimmicks.
how did the rumors get started concerning the song Stairway to heaven containing satanic messages? I've listened to this album numerous times through and have never been able to find any lyrics that even sounds remotely satanic. I am sure this is just a rumor, but I was wondering as to how it may have got started. Thanks for any info you may share.
All the best
Hey David!
First off, I must say that there is absolutely no backwards masking or satanic messages in Led Zeppelin music. I've tried to find it, I've heard radio DJ's try to find it, and lots of other people and no one can find anything conclusive. The most famous rumor is, if you play Stairway To Heaven backwards, you can hear the words "here's to my sweet Satan." I've heard that and it doesn't sound like that at all, unless you really concentrate so you can "fool" your own mind into thinking it does. Both PAGE and PLANT have both been quoted as saying they were never so immature as to do that and "Why?" they would say; "Where would we have found the time to do something so stupid anyway?"
The rumors became well known as the 70's turned into the 80's and religious folk, mostly Baptist preachers who hated rock and roll of any kind, would search out the "heavy" bands look for these so-called satanic messages.
So, in April 1982 a committee of the California State assembly convened to listen to Zeppelin irate Baptist preachers were all there to listen to, not only Led Zeppelin, but other so-called "heavy metal" & "satanic" bands. They played the record "Stairway to Heaven backwards, and claimed to here the words "here's to my sweet Satan." Like I've said, it's just not there unless you really push yourself to hear it. I mean c'mon. You can hear anything in any song if you try hard enough. Y'know?
This is all completely ludicrous of course.
Before that, the rumors were just simple "Zeppelin sold their soul to the Devil" rumors that started in the mid-seventies with the kids. Some fans truly believed that there was no way Zeppelins incredible success and rise to fame could have been done only by the 4 musicians themselves. They forget about the 5th member of Led Zeppelin..Peter Grant, their manager. He was as crucial as any band member in spreading the word about Zep and making deals and such.
Zeppelin were so big because they worked their asses off. They toured and toured, sometimes circling the world and playing three to six USA tours IN ONE YEAR alone! Not to mention their music was astounding and their live shows were the stuff of legend. Even Zeppelin on their worst nights were better than anyone else out there. And that's because they always gave 110%, no matter what. When they ran out of their own songs to play, they would perform Elvis and Beatles songs, James Brown, anything to keep the crowd on their feet. Sometimes the encores would go longer than the actual shows, as the crowd just would not let them leave. Many shows went over 4 hours with only 45 minutes worth of material!
Zeppelin never needed gimmicks.
Latest News: Bird and bee have sex with disastrous results
# 11

Yeah, I find bands that have coincidential backwards words like 'Satan' in their songs are picked on more than bands that actually come out and say this stuff. Its silly.
Personally I don't really care what a song is about lyricly, I listen to the guitar before anything else. :)
Personally I don't really care what a song is about lyricly, I listen to the guitar before anything else. :)
And God said, 'Let there be rock!'
-And it was good
-And it was good
# 12

Harry Potter is Satanic? NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
"Lets see… well I play the guitar and when I'm not playing the guitar, I think about playing the guitar. My other favorite instrument, is the guitar and if I aspired to play any other instrument, it would be the guitar...
I can’t sing so I sing through my guitar. So when the sound guy says: “Your guitar is too loud!” I think: "Why does he never say that to the vocalist?"
I can’t sing so I sing through my guitar. So when the sound guy says: “Your guitar is too loud!” I think: "Why does he never say that to the vocalist?"
# 13
Originally posted by the fool
Harry Potter is Satanic? NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
I agree... you should go kill yourself. Not really...
# 14

I have definatly heard "Here's to my sweet satan" in stairway, I think it's pretty badass, it could really just be a freak coincidence
It is well known that Jimmy was very interested in magick and he even purchased the famous occultist Alester Crowly's house
I think his interest in that stuff was more for show than anything, I highly doubt he ever sacraficed anything or drank goats blood
my friend and I watched a Zepp bootleg for 77' last night and it was terrible, Jimmy was bone thin (heroin) and could barely play, It sounded like he was one fret off the entire time, it was just plain bad, but jone paul jones's keyboard solo's in "no quarter" were amazing, along with Bonham's drum solo
It is well known that Jimmy was very interested in magick and he even purchased the famous occultist Alester Crowly's house
I think his interest in that stuff was more for show than anything, I highly doubt he ever sacraficed anything or drank goats blood
my friend and I watched a Zepp bootleg for 77' last night and it was terrible, Jimmy was bone thin (heroin) and could barely play, It sounded like he was one fret off the entire time, it was just plain bad, but jone paul jones's keyboard solo's in "no quarter" were amazing, along with Bonham's drum solo
Alas Gandalf lives, Middle Earth is again safe...
# 15

heh. well no i dont think he is, though he was interested in crowly, n the occult, he did buy his house at a point. just cause you find things interesting dosnt make u a full believer, i think valued some of crowlys mind sets, and the spiritual side of the mind n nature, and black magic, sure could be interesting, like wizdary. even like in the lord of the rings, gandolph hehe, i like stuff like that, but i dont even consider satan. also it draws people more to it, like robert johnson.
# 16

Originally posted by TheWizard
It is well known that Jimmy was very interested in magick and he even purchased the famous occultist Alester Crowly's house
MR. Crowley!!!!!!
There are only two important things in life - There's music and theres girls, not necessarily in that order....
The Ace's Guitar Tricks
The Ace's Guitar Tricks
# 17

Yeah, i dont really make that out to be real wierd. Just look a the part where it says 6 6 6, yet in the real version, he never says 1 word 3 times or more.
Member of band: Amphiptere (am-fi-teer)
Genre: Speed Metal, Thrash Metal
I am: Lead guitar
Genre: Speed Metal, Thrash Metal
I am: Lead guitar
# 18

Appearantly after he bought Crowleys castle a lot of bad stuff started to happen....Plants daughter either died or was critically wounded, awhole list of other stuff ( i forget), and eventually the death of bonham.
# 19

Saying that Page is satanic is laughable, this tread reminds me of ‘Little Nicky’, when they play Chicago backwards and it says something like ‘serve the dark lord’.
# 20