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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 07/06/02
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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 07/06/02
Posts: 5,021
03/17/2004 2:08 pm
so vote for the puppet on the left or the puppet on the right both controlled by the same dollars eh ?

Well, whilst I do have some sympathy with that statement it is NOT the whole of the law.

If you doubt me look at the differences between the left and the right in the UK ? OK they are not as far apart as they once were when people had principles however they are still noticeable. I personally think Tony Blair is a tory in disguise however despite the fact that he went to war with Iraq (a detestable decision that seems to be costing him) I will still vote for him rather than the alternative (the bloody tories).

On a somber and sour note voting dose sometimes seem like like choosing between two evils however if it is a choice between Tony Blair and a cross between "Vlad the Impaler" and the "Elitist Hell-sporn Baby Eater of Barthon-Wells" (AKA the Tory Party) , well Tony has my vote !

The world is not perfect, my politics are not for everyone however it is possible to make a difference, you just have to think about it ! The answer is not to blow up people, that is deplorable however as the system is geared up to prevent change from the outside you have to be cunning and change it from with in.

Or have a lot of money !
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