7-stringed guitars

lord of karma06
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lord of karma06
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04/06/2004 7:02 pm
Originally posted by Inisfail

I was thinking of perhaps buy myself a 7-stringed, but I'm not sure which one.. Ibanez 7-620 maybe..

Does anyone of you dudes have any 7-stringed who can share your experience with me? What should I think of before I buy one? Is there any products I should avoid at any cost? Anything!

See ye!

7620's are very good guitars. I've played them and I really liked them, plus I've seen people say they prefer them to K7's and Universes.
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04/23/2004 10:41 am
Well, I saw Squire in a local music store for only $190. Perfect, if you ask me... I've been thinking a little about this, and I'm not searching for an awesome guitar anymore.. I just want a cheap..
Peace Sells... But Who's Buying?
# 2

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