Help me with some sabotage

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Joined: 11/19/03
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03/05/2004 8:36 am
In the speakers there should be two wires within the same covering going into the back. Open it up, scrape back the outer covering of the wires (with the power obviously off) and tape them together, making sure they touch. This will cause a minor short circuit when it's on and the stereo will jump like a badly scratched CD is being played. He'll get so pissed off that all his CD's are skipping, although they have no sign of scratches, he'll eventually stop.
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# 1
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03/05/2004 12:50 pm
Thanks for all the ideas guys. Luckily he's been banging his ex-girlfriend so much that I've maybe seen him twice this whole week, so for the time being the situation has corrected itself. He really hates shred music, so when starts playing his stuff, I start blasting some Rusty Cooley :)

Pony: Man, those were some funny ideas, I take it you have experience in revenge? :D
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# 2
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03/05/2004 3:35 pm
hahah schmange, that is the funniest thing i've ever read in my life! i was reading it in my school's library and laughing my ass off.
# 3
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03/05/2004 6:41 pm
I would just take his stereo and chuck it out the window. If he buys another one, do the same thing, and then again and again til he gets the idea. Now, you may have to do this more than 2 times because from what you are saying, he ain't the sharpest knife in the drawer. Eventually though, he'll get the idea.

I was gonna give you an elaborate plan involving naked people and lots of peanut butter, but I'd figure you already tried something like that.....desperate times call for simply desperate measures.
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