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Grizzled Veteran
Joined: 02/07/02
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Grizzled Veteran
Joined: 02/07/02
Posts: 2,809
03/02/2004 2:57 am
What's up my fellow guitartricksters? I need to break some stuff and I need your help. Every morning I wake up to my roommate's crappy music (electronic, techno, whatever you wanna call it) being pumped around our apartment at a very high volume...utter noise pollution... It's getting so bad that I am starting to secretly wish that bodily harm will somehow come to him, so before this issue boils over into a fistfight I was thinking of just nippin' this problem off right now. So how do I do it? How can I kill his stereo or speakers without leaving any evidence of tampering? A Needle through the right wire? High powered Electromagnets? I'm really out of my element here. Thanks in advance, and if I get a good piece of advice, I'll keep y'all informed on this thread! Thanks!
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