Is it just me or is it really insulting to be asked what race you are when applying for membership in an online association.
I just tried to sign up for this place...
... and among questions with required answers like marital status, income, how many children etc...
they ask what race you are and give you a pull-down menu with choices like 'white', 'black', etc....
Are you white?

# 1

I always put other for those things.
And yes, questions about ethnicity and income and marital status shouldn't be asked. It's inappropriate and it's mostly done for advertising reasons anyway.
And yes, questions about ethnicity and income and marital status shouldn't be asked. It's inappropriate and it's mostly done for advertising reasons anyway.
"If one has realized a truth, that truth is valueless so long as there is lacking the indomitable will to turn this realization into action!"
# 2

haha. That is quite strange. I mean they might as well ask questions like " are you gay? ". It does seem a bit odd to me. If i were you i would keep well away from that stupid site ! hmm, it really doesnt seem very professional to me.
Hahaha.. is this some kind of joke, in the gender question it gives you the option of male or female and also gives the option "unknown".
Hahaha.. is this some kind of joke, in the gender question it gives you the option of male or female and also gives the option "unknown".
By virtue of their electrical properties, tubes generate a special waveform when they're saturated, which is why tube engineering has tremendous tonal advantages over solid state or DSP solutions, particularly for crunch and lead sounds. Tubes enter the saturation zone gradually or softly, which lends tube-driven tone its trademark yet totally unique character.
# 3

You would think they would put 'other' for that instead of unknown.
"If one has realized a truth, that truth is valueless so long as there is lacking the indomitable will to turn this realization into action!"
# 4

i don't think that there is a lot of questions there that they actually should not be asking, e.g. education, employment status etc.
# 5

unsafe :mad:
just refuse to have anything to do with them and / or help that specific company.
dont give in to bb he'll always be watching - besides evryone is already seen as a demographic anyway, why on earth would they care to bundle up ppl into groups, its cost effective and stuff
just refuse to have anything to do with them and / or help that specific company.
dont give in to bb he'll always be watching - besides evryone is already seen as a demographic anyway, why on earth would they care to bundle up ppl into groups, its cost effective and stuff
'i dont have low self esteem, it's a mistake. I have low esteem for everyone else' - Daria
# 6

No race questions.. It's unimportant and pretty sad to be asked in the 21th century.
Peace Sells... But Who's Buying?
# 7

Here in Massachusetts they do that on the MCAS schools tests to.
I guess they have more of a reason to do it than a website does, but still...
I wish they would just drop it. Nobody should care nemore about what race you are!
I guess they have more of a reason to do it than a website does, but still...
I wish they would just drop it. Nobody should care nemore about what race you are!
There are only two important things in life - There's music and theres girls, not necessarily in that order....
The Ace's Guitar Tricks
The Ace's Guitar Tricks
# 8

Please close this thread! No one talks about hair colour so why bother about skin colour! :(
# 9

My hairs blonde.... there r ya happy?
There are only two important things in life - There's music and theres girls, not necessarily in that order....
The Ace's Guitar Tricks
The Ace's Guitar Tricks
# 10

Its just to put you in a demographic for the purposes of what advertisements to send to you. There should be an option aking you if youd like to recieve adverts from sister companies etc. I doubt it reflects much on the quality of the site itself.
# 11
Originally posted by PonyOne
if the demographic is mostly white women in the 35-40 range they will advertise SUV's, diets and childbirthing books.
LMAO! This has inspired me to write a song dedicated to all the soccer moms of middle America.
Blues is easy to play, but hard to feel.
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My YouTube Profile
# 12

I live in the perfect example of villina village USA
soccer moms are everywhere, and they are so dumb and they cannot drive and they all drive vans or SUVs (which piss me off too) and they yell at me from the street if feel that im driving too fast and they call the police at the drop of a hat (or if my band is practicing too loud) and ahhh!!! im all angry now
I hate this town so much you guys have no idea
soccer moms are everywhere, and they are so dumb and they cannot drive and they all drive vans or SUVs (which piss me off too) and they yell at me from the street if feel that im driving too fast and they call the police at the drop of a hat (or if my band is practicing too loud) and ahhh!!! im all angry now
I hate this town so much you guys have no idea
Alas Gandalf lives, Middle Earth is again safe...
# 13

It can't be any worse than the town I'm from. It's a spawning pool for mental illness. I'm not joking, as soon as anyone there hits middle school their life turns to hell, and if it doesn't then it definitely does when it hits high school. I just got off work. You know what I did the hour before work? I listened while one of the best friends I've ever had tried to convince me to help her kill herself.
Crazy soccer moms are alright. They live in this world.
Crazy soccer moms are alright. They live in this world.
"If one has realized a truth, that truth is valueless so long as there is lacking the indomitable will to turn this realization into action!"
# 14
LOL...mental illness isn't a geogrphical phenominon.Those soccer mom towns just keep dirty things like depression,anxiety and phobias on the 'downlow'.
The race question stuff is actually pretty apt in my opinion.Sure they could ask you to choose ten of your favotite activities,products e.c.t,but its much easier to generalize and ask race.
People might argue that its 'draging history back 300 years' and everyone is the same/equal so what does it matter e.c.t....but the sooner people realize that each race really is different genetically,physically,mentally,e.c.t is the sooner we can all crush the 'racism' cryers out there 'hindering our advancement 300 years'.
Someone says one thing about a particular races attribute/s(negative OR positive)they cry racist and scream equal.As far as races go,equal means ignorant.Science has shown many significant differences between race.People just can't accept it.They(people who cry racism at the drop of a hat)are all double talked idiots that feel its futile to distinguish between the different.'Geez,don't talk about 'difference' as it might hurt people...well too frigin bad!Its reality and people who continue to fail to acknowlege that this 'melting pot of races' will never melt and think people are blind to race arn't in it.
Think about getting in a fight with someone...make them up in your the imaginary person of another race?Theres a big chance that they are.
Think of a rape,murder or theft situation...same thing...theres a good chance the character is another race.
People don't delve deep into themselves enough to see that there are pre-dispositions in all of us.They dont 'form',they are there in us.Children of different race soon find the differences and accept them...but then children told that there are no differences(Just like roswell "you didn't see anything")and that everyone is equal.They are also taught that its wrong and not acceptable to differenciate between race.
Corporate America,lousy as it is,has the right idea in using race to determine works and it works for a reason...racial stereotypes are REAL and apply to the majority.As with everything still,there are exeptions to the majority.
I'm done.
The race question stuff is actually pretty apt in my opinion.Sure they could ask you to choose ten of your favotite activities,products e.c.t,but its much easier to generalize and ask race.
People might argue that its 'draging history back 300 years' and everyone is the same/equal so what does it matter e.c.t....but the sooner people realize that each race really is different genetically,physically,mentally,e.c.t is the sooner we can all crush the 'racism' cryers out there 'hindering our advancement 300 years'.
Someone says one thing about a particular races attribute/s(negative OR positive)they cry racist and scream equal.As far as races go,equal means ignorant.Science has shown many significant differences between race.People just can't accept it.They(people who cry racism at the drop of a hat)are all double talked idiots that feel its futile to distinguish between the different.'Geez,don't talk about 'difference' as it might hurt people...well too frigin bad!Its reality and people who continue to fail to acknowlege that this 'melting pot of races' will never melt and think people are blind to race arn't in it.
Think about getting in a fight with someone...make them up in your the imaginary person of another race?Theres a big chance that they are.
Think of a rape,murder or theft situation...same thing...theres a good chance the character is another race.
People don't delve deep into themselves enough to see that there are pre-dispositions in all of us.They dont 'form',they are there in us.Children of different race soon find the differences and accept them...but then children told that there are no differences(Just like roswell "you didn't see anything")and that everyone is equal.They are also taught that its wrong and not acceptable to differenciate between race.
Corporate America,lousy as it is,has the right idea in using race to determine works and it works for a reason...racial stereotypes are REAL and apply to the majority.As with everything still,there are exeptions to the majority.
I'm done.
Try once,fail twice...
# 15
.. i smell another one of those 5000000 post arguement threads
[FONT=Times New Roman]Holiness is in right action and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves. What you decide to do every day makes you a good person... or not.[/FONT][br][br]
# 16

# 17

Forgot one thing..
Did you know that mankind has 66% identic DNA as a bananafly (a fly that at least exist in i Sweden and lives in flowers and really hasn't anyhting to do with bananas).
Anyway, it's creepy.
What's maybe even more creepy is that we (humans) share more than 99% of our genetic structure with chimpanzees.
We are all unique, both in our ways and genetically, but it does not mean that our genes determine what kind of person we are.
I'm done!
Did you know that mankind has 66% identic DNA as a bananafly (a fly that at least exist in i Sweden and lives in flowers and really hasn't anyhting to do with bananas).
Anyway, it's creepy.
What's maybe even more creepy is that we (humans) share more than 99% of our genetic structure with chimpanzees.
We are all unique, both in our ways and genetically, but it does not mean that our genes determine what kind of person we are.
I'm done!
Peace Sells... But Who's Buying?
# 18
Originally posted by Inisfail
What's soccer moms??
You should get an idea here
Blues is easy to play, but hard to feel.
My YouTube Profile
My YouTube Profile
# 19

Originally posted by LeedoggOriginally posted by Inisfail
What's soccer moms??
You should get an idea here
Right.. It was mothers.. I thought it was somekind of taxes (swenglish stupid thought if mine..)
Peace Sells... But Who's Buying?
# 20