oh yeah....don't drink it's bad......ummm.....yeah
how drunk do you people get before a show?

I personally get retarded motor impairment when I'm right hammed so I only have a couple shots to get the veins surging a bit and leave the real consumption until afterwards. BUt I know people who can play completely $#@$ing sloshed....it amazes me
oh yeah....don't drink it's bad......ummm.....yeah
oh yeah....don't drink it's bad......ummm.....yeah
# 1
Well in 35 years I've never met one !
drinking before going on stage is a very bad idea
drinking before going on stage is a very bad idea
My instructors page and www.studiotrax.net for all things recording.
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
# 2

There was a very similar thread to this not too long ago.
Latest News: Bird and bee have sex with disastrous results
# 3
Well if I'm just going to a show,then I drink before(and after) I go in...If I'm going to play a show then....well I guess I'll see this tuesday!
Try once,fail twice...
# 4

# 5

just a couple to loosten up, and thats only because I get extremely nervous before shows
too much is really a terrible idea
too much is really a terrible idea
Alas Gandalf lives, Middle Earth is again safe...
# 6

# 7
Watching a show? Depends. If it's close enough for me to walk or if I've got a ride, maybe then I'll get good and hammered, but not if I have to drive.
Playing a show? I hate playing drunk, so I might have a drink or two but no more.
I can't imagine a worse thing than playing a show and thinking you were rocking the place only to have your friends tell you "dude, you sucked last night."
Playing a show? I hate playing drunk, so I might have a drink or two but no more.
I can't imagine a worse thing than playing a show and thinking you were rocking the place only to have your friends tell you "dude, you sucked last night."
Guitar Tricks Moderator
Careful what you wish for friend
I've been to Hell and now I'm back again
www.GuitarTricks.com - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
Guitar Tricks Moderator
Careful what you wish for friend
I've been to Hell and now I'm back again
www.GuitarTricks.com - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
# 8

usually when i play i get a huge rush from just playin in front of people to loose all my inhibitions an embarresment an then cos im not pissed i can play well then after i get truely wasted but only if i know my guitar is safe! the one time i did play drunk (we had to play another song after i thought we'd finished) i forgot the chorus so it would sound half decent up untill the point where the chorus kicked in then id stop an it lost all its power! wow now that was bad!
The sun is shining the weather is sweet
# 9

If I'm playing at a bar sure I'll have a beer, maybe two, but thats it. I need to be sober to play well.
Of course, this is not true for a lot of other guitarists. Its amazing how many shred guitarists (real good players, I won't mention names though), when playing bars, will have 3 or 4 beers before they even start playing, and then will have another between every song. Very nice guitar players (in a few cases, players that I know, but are simply too drunk to remember me) turn into assholes, who can't even figure out where the table setup with their cds to be sold are (so I can buy them and support their habits of course)..
Of course, this is not true for a lot of other guitarists. Its amazing how many shred guitarists (real good players, I won't mention names though), when playing bars, will have 3 or 4 beers before they even start playing, and then will have another between every song. Very nice guitar players (in a few cases, players that I know, but are simply too drunk to remember me) turn into assholes, who can't even figure out where the table setup with their cds to be sold are (so I can buy them and support their habits of course)..

# 10

# 11

i think it just depends on a persons tolerance, i started off just drinking one or two to get the edge off, but as time went on i had to add another one to it, before my last show i must've drunk like 8 beers or something but was still ok, did well too apart from forgetting some words :P
# 12
I never drink to take the edge off - something about that just strikes me as setting yourself up for bigger problems in the future.
If anything, drinking before playing makes me a tad more paranoid that I'll mess up.
If anything, drinking before playing makes me a tad more paranoid that I'll mess up.
Guitar Tricks Moderator
Careful what you wish for friend
I've been to Hell and now I'm back again
www.GuitarTricks.com - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
Guitar Tricks Moderator
Careful what you wish for friend
I've been to Hell and now I'm back again
www.GuitarTricks.com - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
# 13
A couple brews will simply relax your nerves...nothing that will effect your cognitive thinking or fine motor skills.
Try once,fail twice...
# 14

My band performs usually about 3 or 4 gigs per month. In fact, we're playing tonight at a very busy bar. I recommend saving the drinking until after your performance. Alcohol seriously impairs your motor skills, especially if you're a perfectionist and play a lot of intricate/speedy stuff. If I do start drinking on stage, it's not until the second to last song. That way we're done our set before I feel the effects. Of course, I'm also a seasoned drinker. ;)
# 15
Yeah, I'm not really much of a drinker. I"m actually practically a straight edge, recently quick smoking cigarettes at that. So I can't really say I know what it's like to play out of sobriety.
The Gods Made Heavy Metal, And They Saw That It Was Good
They Said To Play It Louder Than Hell, We Promised That We Would
Hulk Smash!!
Whatever you do, don't eat limes. A friend of mine ate a lime once and BAM!! Two years later. Herpes.
They Said To Play It Louder Than Hell, We Promised That We Would
Hulk Smash!!
Whatever you do, don't eat limes. A friend of mine ate a lime once and BAM!! Two years later. Herpes.
# 16