You are only coming through in waves, your lips move but I cant hear what you're saying.:cool:
The Donna's

Anyone listen to the Donna's. Not bad for an all girl band, No offense I Suffer!! There lead guitarist smacks of Ace Frehley.
# 1

# 2

hahaaha, no offense taken. I think they got alot of bite. Good, catchy songs, pure rock n roll with an attitude.And they can string words together themselves to form sentences, which is refreshing. Good stuff :)
# 3
# 4

The Blood Duster song I Wanna Do It With A Donna explains it all.
Latest News: Bird and bee have sex with disastrous results
# 5

I thought the song said I'd rather do it with Madonna?
Never mind,like I like to point out each time I'm phonetically challenged,english is my third language,after my mother tongue and Swahili.
Never mind,like I like to point out each time I'm phonetically challenged,english is my third language,after my mother tongue and Swahili.
# 6

I'd Rather Do It WIth Madonna is a sh*tful pop song by The Androids. I Wanna Do It With A Donna was made as a bit of a joke (most Blood Duster songs are), mocking the Android's song. They also make fun of Nu-Metal bands, Limp Bizkit in particular, in their Pornstorestiffi video and mock Avril Lavengenenege with the song Sk8er Grrl.
Latest News: Bird and bee have sex with disastrous results
# 7
I second what Christoph said, they're pretty Hot. Especially the drummer, but that's all I'll say. :p
"My whole life is a dark room...ONE BIG DARK ROOM" - a.f.i.
# 8
It's been discussed on here before, but there's just something about an all female rock group. :)
# 9
# 10

i have been skeptical about the donnas so i never bothered to listen to anything [plus record stores here are sooooo neolithic and worst of all mainstream there wouldnt even be the donnas there - yes thats how bad it is]
anyway i like the riot grrl bands like L7 and a whole bunch more how do the donnas compare????
anyway i like the riot grrl bands like L7 and a whole bunch more how do the donnas compare????
'i dont have low self esteem, it's a mistake. I have low esteem for everyone else' - Daria
# 11
Originally posted by concrete chaos
anyway i like the riot grrl bands like L7 and a whole bunch more how do the donnas compare????
I never really had a chance to hear L7, but I can tell you that 7 Year Bitch (and Bottom, and old Veruca Salt) pretty much kick the snot out of The Donnas.
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Guitar Tricks Moderator
Careful what you wish for friend
I've been to Hell and now I'm back again - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
# 12