Hey, just for GEE Whiz....

# 1

i'm just 17 :)
I thought 17 was old... obviously not :)
I thought 17 was old... obviously not :)
By virtue of their electrical properties, tubes generate a special waveform when they're saturated, which is why tube engineering has tremendous tonal advantages over solid state or DSP solutions, particularly for crunch and lead sounds. Tubes enter the saturation zone gradually or softly, which lends tube-driven tone its trademark yet totally unique character.
# 2

# 3

Seve.....420 is the international signal for "Time to smoke some weed" "get stoned" "roll a fatty" "Burn a Blunt" I didnt know it had biblical conotations.
You are only coming through in waves, your lips move but I cant hear what you're saying.:cool:
# 4

Turned 19 late last month and I still feel young. Which is kinda funny since I've never really been a kid. Basically my entire life from my childhood through about a year ago doesn't count because I pretty much wasn't alive.
"If one has realized a truth, that truth is valueless so long as there is lacking the indomitable will to turn this realization into action!"
# 5

Hammburi....Explain that
You are only coming through in waves, your lips move but I cant hear what you're saying.:cool:
# 6

# 7

It appears we have a well rounded age group here. Not that age really matters. I can learn alot from you guys that are in your teens and I hope I can help you out too. Thanks for all the interest in my little poll.
You are only coming through in waves, your lips move but I cant hear what you're saying.:cool:
# 8
i turn 20 in October
To improve technique and of course trying to keep all as clean as possible. I know my own limits and speed limits and so on I never play anything I'm not capable of. That wouldn't make any sense. After three years of playing I tried to play everything as fast as possible and that sounded, I would say, like shit, and I didn't realize that if I'd play bit slower things than I was capable of playing then everything would sound much better.
--Aleksi Laiho - Advice to Play By
--Aleksi Laiho - Advice to Play By
# 9

Originally posted by sme331
Hammburi....Explain that
That's Hammurabi, but you can call me Hammy for short.
I was basically raised in a cult. It was supposedly 'christian', but it was to the extent that it was completely sick. Stuff always happened like my parents would go on a rampage and burn everything in the house that didn't glorify god. I'm not joking or exaggerating about this, they even burnt every bedsheet and pillowcase that didn't have biblical stuff embroidered on it because they were't annointed with love. You think it feels bad your parents returning or pawning a christmas gift of yours, it's the darndest feeling watching them burn it a month after christmas. And they would drag me to things like pentacostal revival services which involved things like me having to sit around for hours watching while they 'cast a demon out', which involves a bunch of people sitting around babbling like retards while someone writhes around on the floor screaming and swearing like they got epilepsy and tourette's syndrome and were being tortured all at the same time.
I've never really had a childhood as far as family goes. I've pretty much never known my dad even though he lived with me and I was always mortally afraid of my mom. I've never really known my sister either, and having a twin brother in those circumstances is literally like having to fight to be a real person.
Growing up in a family/environment like that is pretty bad for your social life. I pretty much didn't have any real social life or friends until a year or two ago, and even today I only really have one good friend besides my twin bro. That's why people are often disturbed by my social beliefs and views, they're almost entirely from observation and practial reasoning instead of experience. I didn't even have school to base anything off of or meet people at because my parents moved me to a christian private school early elementary and then tried homeschooling me. I did go back to public school eventually, but I never got used to it or ever understood any part of the social structure. I was that bastard you all remember sitting in the corner of the cafeteria looking like someone just raped him.
High school sucked. High school teaches people not to think for themselves, and my parents reinforced that idea. My parents don't think it's healthy for me (we didn't raise you to be like that. we've scheduled a psychiatrist appointment for you in december) to think for myself, and whenever I try it's either hell or they put the credit to god. 'god has really gifted me with my ability to play guitar', or 'god has really gifted me with insight'.
It's done some interesting things to my musical tastes. I was basically unable to listen to secular music until like junior high school (largely a coincidence), so my entire personal style and tastes in music are almost entirely inate (lack of influence).
That's why my entire life until I stopped believing in god doesn't exist. Because there was nothing in it except fear and numbness and being alone.
And no, I probably can't and definitely don't want to sue for child abuse. That's one of my messed up philosophies, the past doesn't mean anything. It's like a bad book I read by accident and got rid of.
"If one has realized a truth, that truth is valueless so long as there is lacking the indomitable will to turn this realization into action!"
# 10

Man I feel for you. If you ever need anyone to talk to just email me. tim.moye@delta.com
God very well did gift you with a talent but your parents made sure that you would resent that. I have 2 teenage sons and their mom, (my ex) tried to do the same thing to them. I believe that you teach your kids what you believe and let them decide what truth to follow. I have seen everything you talk about and I empathize with you. Welcome to the world and let me know if I can help you in any way. I know I am an old guy and as far as my kids are concerned I dont know anything, but I will let you in on a little secret. I know somethings. I do know people cant be led by the nose to church and expect them to enjoy or embrace it. As far a musical taste, there is alot of "Christian" punk,ska,metal,rock,and even rap(DC Talk the early days). The music is the same just the message in the lyrics is a bit different. Like I said, hookup with me if you ever need to talk. Take care Hammy.
God very well did gift you with a talent but your parents made sure that you would resent that. I have 2 teenage sons and their mom, (my ex) tried to do the same thing to them. I believe that you teach your kids what you believe and let them decide what truth to follow. I have seen everything you talk about and I empathize with you. Welcome to the world and let me know if I can help you in any way. I know I am an old guy and as far as my kids are concerned I dont know anything, but I will let you in on a little secret. I know somethings. I do know people cant be led by the nose to church and expect them to enjoy or embrace it. As far a musical taste, there is alot of "Christian" punk,ska,metal,rock,and even rap(DC Talk the early days). The music is the same just the message in the lyrics is a bit different. Like I said, hookup with me if you ever need to talk. Take care Hammy.
You are only coming through in waves, your lips move but I cant hear what you're saying.:cool:
# 11

Thanks :)
To my mom DC talk and bands like the newsboys aren't christian bands because DC talk is too aggressive and rebellious and the newsboys supposedly mix satanism in their advertising. It also probably doesn't help things that the first cd I ever bought in my life that wasn't with someone else's money and was given to them as a partial gift was just last christmas break (the gift was about a year ago). That's not much more than a month ago.
You're right, though. There is some good christian music out there.
To my mom DC talk and bands like the newsboys aren't christian bands because DC talk is too aggressive and rebellious and the newsboys supposedly mix satanism in their advertising. It also probably doesn't help things that the first cd I ever bought in my life that wasn't with someone else's money and was given to them as a partial gift was just last christmas break (the gift was about a year ago). That's not much more than a month ago.
You're right, though. There is some good christian music out there.
"If one has realized a truth, that truth is valueless so long as there is lacking the indomitable will to turn this realization into action!"
# 12

Just keep jammin and dont let life get you down. Hell you are too young for that. Life takes too much energy to spend it all being angry when you are young. And be careful playing god with other peoples emotions and thus faith, That has big implications. Remember, they are just human. No matter how F***ed up they may be. If you dont believe in God,why do you still play in church? Not that I am judging what you do, just wanna understand. Make sense?
You are only coming through in waves, your lips move but I cant hear what you're saying.:cool:
# 13

I still play in church when I'm home on breaks to keep my parents happy. They haven't figured it out yet.
"If one has realized a truth, that truth is valueless so long as there is lacking the indomitable will to turn this realization into action!"
# 14