I just took a whole load of short guitar riffs and posted em at PrimeTones for cell phone users to buy as ringtones.
...don't have have a clue what Ringtones actually are or if they'll bring in any cash but hey...
I saw an article for them in Canadian Musician & looked through the legalities pretty thoroughly so they look legit.
Basically all ya do is take your guitar riffs, (or songs) and upload them there as MP3's. They advertise for you and do all the maintenance for free. If you sell anything they give you a 20% royalty. (kinda low but you keep the copyright and all ownership of your material)
For stuff 29 seconds and under they sell em as Ringtones for cellphones.
For full length MP3's and songs, you pick whatever price you want to sell them.
I don't know if I'd wanna sell ALL my songs there, but for short little riffs that are sitting around doing nothing, if it promotes your name and maybe pays for a few beers, what the hell.
Rintones for unused licks
# 1

schmange, thats really cool. I wish i had a cellphone now, lol. I think everyone has one but me.
# 2

Looks really cool but its all to complicated for me !
By virtue of their electrical properties, tubes generate a special waveform when they're saturated, which is why tube engineering has tremendous tonal advantages over solid state or DSP solutions, particularly for crunch and lead sounds. Tubes enter the saturation zone gradually or softly, which lends tube-driven tone its trademark yet totally unique character.
# 3

Originally posted by I Suffer
schmange, thats really cool. I wish i had a cellphone now, lol. I think everyone has one but me.
I think I'm the only kid in my school not to have a mobile phone. I've actually thought many times about how so many teens in developed countries have mobiles and wondered how it will affect the world. With so many kids carrying phones, which contain radioactive material, in their front pockets near their genitals, will the birth rate decline and the rate of disabled children rise? I know that mobile phones are said to be harmless seeing that everyday we are hit with lots of radiation from the sun but it's still a worrying thought.
Latest News: Bird and bee have sex with disastrous results
# 4

# 5

Great idea! Using short riffs as ringtones not only helps to promote your name but also creates an additional source of income. Although the royalties are not high, this can be a great start to introducing your music to more people!
# 6