burning my cd
Hopefully some 1 can help me !!! Ive layed down a 70 min mix onto cool edit pro using multitrack and have finally saved it as an mp3 in a mixdown form , ive then put the mixdown in the edit screen and added my cd track markers > Ok my next step is to burn the mix to cd keeping my markers so when playing the cd tracks can be skipped thru etc, if its possible id also like to name each track. I currently use nero to burn my cd's ! PLEASE can some 1 help!So come on Guys i'd be really grateful !!
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Ok this is maybe not the best way of doing this but it will work. Id cut you mix at the points where you have your markers prior to encoding it as an MP3. Then When you rip, use the ID3 tags to assign track name, artist, etc etc Then burn them with out the 5 second gap between tracks option to give the illusion of a continuous piece of music.
Hope this helps !
Hope this helps !
My instructors page and www.studiotrax.net for all things recording.
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
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