How would I go about connecting this up (newbie with fx needs desperate advice)

Joined: 04/19/03
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Joined: 04/19/03
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01/05/2004 12:09 am
For christmas I recieved a bunch of pedals and a digitech RP 100 multi fx pedal (the one without the built in expression pedal). Along with these I recieved a Jim Dunlop Cry baby wah pedal, all of which I am dead happy with. However, when reading the manual for the RP100, it says you can input a wah or whammy pedal, and use it as an expression pedal to control the parameters of all the effects. The thing is, I'm not sure how to do this. I think you have to put the guitar cable into the input of the wah for that to work, yet you also need to put the guitar cable in the input of the RP100 for that to turn on. Is there any way of getting this to work, it says you can do it in the manual, just not how. Here is a list of specifications:

Jim Dunlop Wah: Input, Output

RP100: Input, Output, Expression pedal input.

I have three cables which I think is enough but I may need 4. I still have no clue on how to get this to work, so if anyone does it would be GREATLY appreciated.
# 1
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01/05/2004 10:35 am
Using a wah as an exp pedal ?
I believe that exp pedals should give digital output signals , while wah's should be analogue.
I don't think this is gonna work , unless there's a specific digitech wah pedal that can do it , and specialy since they don't mention "how" in the manual.

Anyway , since trying is for free , you should give it a shot... Here are your two possible choices :

1) Guitar to Wah I/P - Wah O/P to Exp pedal I/P - RP100 O/P to amp

2) Guitar to RP100 I/P - RP100 O/P to amp - Wah O/P to Exp Pedal I/P . (you should connect anything to the wah's I/P , in order to connect it's circuit)
# 2
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01/05/2004 7:34 pm
Your wah won't work for that man. You wither need an expresstion or a volume pedal to connect to the control in on your unit. You can still use your wah, just not to control your RP100.
So. If you throw a cat out of a car window, is it considered "kitty litter"?
# 3
Andrew Sa
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Andrew Sa
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01/11/2004 7:21 pm
U2fan, the expression pedal that is mentioned in the digitech manuals is a special digitech expression that would probabably be plugged into a "footswitch" insert on your multi effects pedal.
So you can use your wah as a wah pedal, but you will need to buy a compatable digitech(or other) exp pedal (that would do nothing without the rp100)
[FONT=Century Gothic]Hope is when we feel the pain that makes us try again[/FONT]
# 4

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