Who was it...?

Hey guys, this is kind of a weird question...but over the years, i've heard many people talking about a guitarist that had a plastic hand for his strumming hand..i've heard many names..Van Halen, Randy Rhodes, Jimmy Page..none of which i know aren't true...but yah..who is this great guitarist that only has one hand? sorry for the weird question..
# 1

It's none of the guys you mentioned, I know that.
I've nevr actually heard of a guy with a plastic strumming hand, but Toni Iommi of Black Sabbath had plastic fingertips on his fretting hand, if by chance you might've been thinking of him.
Hope it helps
Randy lives in me
I've nevr actually heard of a guy with a plastic strumming hand, but Toni Iommi of Black Sabbath had plastic fingertips on his fretting hand, if by chance you might've been thinking of him.
Hope it helps
Randy lives in me
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The Ace's Guitar Tricks
The Ace's Guitar Tricks
# 2

i thought they were metal thimbels covered in leather
Alas Gandalf lives, Middle Earth is again safe...
# 3

u may be rite.... but i do remember reading an article where he said they wer plastic......
I'm not a huge Iommi fan so I don really kno
I'm not a huge Iommi fan so I don really kno
There are only two important things in life - There's music and theres girls, not necessarily in that order....
The Ace's Guitar Tricks
The Ace's Guitar Tricks
# 4
Jerry Garcia was missing a finger....
Blues is easy to play, but hard to feel.
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# 5