I dont know bout you guys but ive heard the sound clips on the site, and it sounds ****in sick, cant wait for the album to come out, also zakk wylde plays an outro solo on one of the tracks and backing vocals on another, this album is gonna be badass
[Edited by The Allmighty Zach on 12-23-2003 at 10:46 PM]

# 1

I thought it was going to be amazing. Not long ago i found some sound files of their first songs. I thought it sounded really s**t. I was expecting it to sound way better !
By virtue of their electrical properties, tubes generate a special waveform when they're saturated, which is why tube engineering has tremendous tonal advantages over solid state or DSP solutions, particularly for crunch and lead sounds. Tubes enter the saturation zone gradually or softly, which lends tube-driven tone its trademark yet totally unique character.
# 2