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Grizzled Spellchecker
Joined: 05/09/00
Posts: 2,233
Grizzled Spellchecker
Joined: 05/09/00
Posts: 2,233
12/24/2003 8:00 pm
Ahhh, Mensa's easy. For Canadians.

I think IQ tests are a bunch of tripe. Who in their right minds would put up a free IQ test on the 'net and have it tell people that they were dumb? If you have half a brain, of course it'll tell you that you're IQ is over 100. Have you ever heard of someone scoring below, say, 110 on an IQ test on-line?

I also think that telling people your IQ test scores is a bit gauche.
... and that's all I have to say about that.

[U]ALL[/U] generalizations are [U]WRONG[/U]
