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Joined: 04/08/01
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Registered User
Joined: 04/08/01
Posts: 1,258
12/24/2003 1:56 am
Im only 20 but already Ive started thinking about life, and the meaning of it all! Its weird because every now and then I have little philosophical debates in my head as I drive my car or day dream during the commercials on tv.
What have you guys learnt? Any good advice to make life better!
So far Ive learnt, and dont laugh!

1. "Wait a day to buy" - If you to buy something then buy it tomorrow! If you still want it and need it then fair enough but if the next day you dont bother then youve saved you money!

2. Ive learnt that to ignore my girlfriend every month for a couple of days in a row because all hell breaks loose :(