this is probably insignificant to some but i also met russell hitchcock 2 years ago at the woodbine tracks. i was able to meet him back stage- very nice chap. We talked and had pictures taken. Only problem was, when i had all them pics developed they were all blurry!!! :(
I went to their concert the next year at Casino Rama hoping I'd see him face to face again but security prohibited it. Graham Russel (the guitar) probably noticed me and threw his plectrum at me but some lady picked it up!!!
"Lets see… well I play the guitar and when I'm not playing the guitar, I think about playing the guitar. My other favorite instrument, is the guitar and if I aspired to play any other instrument, it would be the guitar...
I can’t sing so I sing through my guitar. So when the sound guy says: “Your guitar is too loud!” I think: "Why does he never say that to the vocalist?"