First performance! stressssss

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12/14/2003 2:12 pm
Okay well,
After 2 years playing guitar in my room, being in a band for 3 months, quiting the band and beginning to feel like performing on my own I finaly got a performance!
Really exiting accualy, My first time playing for like 500-1200 people next Thursday.

I am stressing! I will play acoustic, 2 songs so like 10 minutes in total but I am realy nervous. I know I can play good enough to impress most peolpe there (since they dont have any idea what im doin) but that wont help.
Sitting here typing this I start to feel a little nervous...
Do you guys have any advice or something, maybe share your first performance stories? :)
# 1
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12/14/2003 2:47 pm
My first performance was at a recital when I was in seventh grade. There was like 100 parents, and being parents and all they were nice. I played and sang "Teach Your Children", and it was good times. I enjoyed watching all of the older kids who played guitar play. I watched in awe, but now I can play pretty much as well as any of the boys I watched in awe.
Picture everyone wearing their underwear! The classic advice. I never get that nervous, because I've been in drama so long... Deep breaths, and don't throw up. :)

# 2
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12/14/2003 3:59 pm
Drink hard liquor. It doesn't take away as much coordination as beer and reduces that nervous front. If that's not possible, ie you're playing infront of your school, then there's no way around it and you just have to plow through it. I remember my first time when it was my turn to solo, it was like being hit by a mac truck. A year and a half later I'd be doing the hendrix wild thing act, complete with guitar behind the head and all. You get used to it. ... My hero was a guy I played with in front of the school at 9am in the morning, standing behind his stack on the stage pouring jd into a coke can. lol. that guy was years ahead of me.
# 3
Guitar Tricks Instructor
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Guitar Tricks Instructor
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12/14/2003 4:55 pm
Don't get drunk, it is the WORST thing you can do!

The only one who thinks you play better after a drink is you !

When I was on the road as a sound man the band I used to work with had a no more than 2 drinks rule before going on stage. It was a very good idea !

Oh yes, remember to enjoy it !!!

[Edited by Dr_simon on 12-14-2003 at 10:57 AM]
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# 4
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12/14/2003 5:08 pm
yeah man, i'm not saying get wasted and go up and play your first gig.. have a couple to get over some of the barriers.

... they only times i really go overboard are the house parties. lol. i miss those.
# 5
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12/14/2003 5:31 pm
Get yourself a small-buzz and remember that if theres anyone there that can play better than you,you and your friends can jump him.
Try once,fail twice...
# 6
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12/14/2003 7:54 pm
Getting drunk before a gig is such a bad idea. Performance anxiety is natural. But once you get like five minutes into your set, you forget the audience even exists (or at least I do). I'm very calm and relaxed on stage. I kind of go into a 'zone'. The more you play infront of people, the easier it becomes. Do little performances for your cat, your dog, your parents, and friends until you don't even notice they're there. I always remain calm before hitting the stage. If you let yourself get worked up over nothing, it will be apparent in your demeanor.
# 7
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12/14/2003 8:32 pm
no i agree with the liquor statement

don't get drunk, just take like 2 shots and its loosens me up to a perfect level

my bands first show was a variety show for homecoming and I nearly shat myself I was so nervous, but once u get through the first few notes its no big deal, especially if theres bright spot lights and u can't see the audience
Alas Gandalf lives, Middle Earth is again safe...
# 8

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