I am a guy,and I drool after
anything that I see carrying a guitar.You'd think I'm gay how I go striking up conversations with guys just coz they have guitars.
Last year in college,I went to another guy's room for a totally unrelated reason,a complete stranger,and on finding a guitar standing on his wall,the entire import of my visit got forgotten,and to cut a long story short,we did what I'm told is called hitting it off.If you'd over heard us speaking three weeks after we met,you'd think we'd known each other for three years.He's probably the closest(outside of sexual) that I've ever gotten to anyone.I actually care about him.And all this because I found a guitar standing on one of the walls in his room.
I have this huge thing for girls who play the guitar.But funny enough,I've never met a girl who plays who I liked.And I've only met two.Both are "born again",meaning they have scruples about premarital sex,and seeing as I don't,we weren't going to get along.
Let's put it this way,if getting me was a 100 metres sprint,a girl with a guitar has a 90M head start.I'm that much a sucker for it.
I make up for it by fantasizing about meeting such girls,playing for them,playing with them,stuff like that.Maybe it'll happen at some point.I know,I know,it's pathetic.
I'm yet to meet a girl who was particularly thrilled by my palying guitar,thrilled to the point of having sex with me.