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Crime Fighter
Joined: 08/04/02
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Crime Fighter
Joined: 08/04/02
Posts: 1,518
11/23/2003 8:24 pm
Yeah you can't really compare the Who to Zeppelin. Both great bands but Zeppelin stamped a harder mark on the music world. From talking to an older generation, Zeppelin was a mind blowing experience live. Seeing the Who live, I must say they were extremely tight and throughout the concert they each did their own thing which was jaw-dropping. As I've seen and heard Zeppelin live (videos or cd's of course), one thing I don't like is Page is quite sloppy at times. Musically they were gifted, but sloppiness bugs me when they get so much credit. The Who wasn't sloppy, but the one I would give the prize too would be Zeppelin even though. Zeppelin just wrote too many hits, Bonom and Jones were probably among the best on rock rhythm. The Who although were musically exquisite didn't hit rock music as hard as Zeppelin, and didn't write as many classics. A big if your going to give an award as such, the Who would still be in the top 5 though. To me, being in the top 5 is standing next to 1st cause they were so many great bands, Sometimes it's only a matter of opinion on who gets it.
"My whole life is a dark room...ONE BIG DARK ROOM" - a.f.i.