This emotion changed with the tune. I was going to say boo to how far I've got to go but now I'm all like yay i grew up in the 20s and really don't like my family at all.
# 1
... and that's all I have to say about that.
[U]ALL[/U] generalizations are [U]WRONG[/U]
[U]ALL[/U] generalizations are [U]WRONG[/U]
# 2
# 3
camels? pyramids? egypt? ..
i dont get it
i dont get it
[FONT=Times New Roman]Holiness is in right action and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves. What you decide to do every day makes you a good person... or not.[/FONT][br][br]
# 4
Uh, what is daveasdf talking about?
# 5
# 6
I appologize for that folks. I've got it in mind to erase the whole thread. I was listening to bohemian rapsody which changed to a blues and then to I forget what.
# 7
# 8
Originally posted by daveasdf
I appologize for that folks. I've got it in mind to erase the whole thread. I was listening to bohemian rapsody which changed to a blues and then to I forget what.
It's always refreshing when the explanation to a cryptic post is even more cryptic....
Oh, did I say refreshing? I meant mind-numbingly confusing. I'm completely unaware of what mind-altering substances do to people, but I would assume that this is a fair example.
... and that's all I have to say about that.
[U]ALL[/U] generalizations are [U]WRONG[/U]
[U]ALL[/U] generalizations are [U]WRONG[/U]
# 9
# 10
... and that's all I have to say about that.
[U]ALL[/U] generalizations are [U]WRONG[/U]
[U]ALL[/U] generalizations are [U]WRONG[/U]
# 11
wow, what a great thread to cap off an even wierder day. and to think that guitartricks would have helped soothe my mind and relax me...
# 12