
Anybody have songs or material of theirs posted on the internet somewhere for others to listen to? On sites like soundclick for example. I just want to see where I stand. (as soon as I'm done my demo I'll post somewhere too)
# 1

See where you stand in regards to what?
Music isn't a competition man!! It's about expressing yourself in ways words can't. Don't wrap yourself up with how good you are compared to everyone else. Just make music that you like.
Music isn't a competition man!! It's about expressing yourself in ways words can't. Don't wrap yourself up with how good you are compared to everyone else. Just make music that you like.
Sometimes I hit notes only dogs can hear.
# 2

...To see where I stand with respect to song structure and solo technique. And it is a competition. Or more of a race against time. Either way, we've all got our own motivations. You can only learn by listening to other players - I wasn't about to laugh when I heard your stuff.
# 3

Why is it a competition?
This isn't a race or a game, it's music. It's not about who plays the fastest or the best, it's who enjoys what they're doing the most.
When you realize that is when music will be way more fun.
This isn't a race or a game, it's music. It's not about who plays the fastest or the best, it's who enjoys what they're doing the most.
When you realize that is when music will be way more fun.
Sometimes I hit notes only dogs can hear.
# 4
I conclude that music can be a competition... or not. It depends upon your perception of things. As usual there isn't a right or wrong answer *shakes fist* d*mned communists.
# 5
i dont see anything bad about the urge to know where you stand. one works hard and its only legit to check how far you have come. what has this got to do with competition?
[FONT=Times New Roman]Holiness is in right action and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves. What you decide to do every day makes you a good person... or not.[/FONT][br][br]
# 6
I agree with Azrael and iiHolly here, nothing wrong with wanting to know how much or how little ass you kick. Besides, music IS, as Pantallica said, all about expressing yourself, but competition-like elements can still spice things up a bit. Sure you want to express yourself, but what's wrong with kicking a little ass or getting your little ass kicked along the way?
# 7

# 8
I thought about trying to get signed once, figured I'd just go to some no name company and make a couple CDs to be like "Hey, I made a couple CDs." But then I took a nap instead.
# 9
I remember when this site had a rating thing where people could rate a scale,technique,tune e.c.t. that you posted.
I got pissed that a run I posted got bad ratings when it was clearly superior to most of the good rated scales and runs.
I pissed and moaned on this boared(I think I was bornoffire or something like that...I forget)and someone finally realized that rating peoples ideas e.c.t wasn't constructive when musical content is so diverse that a lousy 3 chord punk song could get a better rating than an awsome lead run.
Just a little flashback...
Later! \m/
I got pissed that a run I posted got bad ratings when it was clearly superior to most of the good rated scales and runs.
I pissed and moaned on this boared(I think I was bornoffire or something like that...I forget)and someone finally realized that rating peoples ideas e.c.t wasn't constructive when musical content is so diverse that a lousy 3 chord punk song could get a better rating than an awsome lead run.
Just a little flashback...
Later! \m/
Try once,fail twice...
# 10
I remember that, Chuck pissing and moaning that is! In fact the other day I was going to ask whatever happened to the ratings of the tricks, but I forgot to. Well now I know.
# 11
# 12

yo try checking out Matthew Allen on soundclick man, hes good but he probably hasn't updated for like a now hes gone metal \m/ that doesnt look
# 13
...uhh...just out of curiosity, what the heck is this : \m/?
# 14
i've been wondering that as well
# 15
that symbolized this handsign most metalheads are making whilst headbanging making a fist and pointing index and pinky straight upward. i bet there is a name for it... rask does it on one of his pics
[FONT=Times New Roman]Holiness is in right action and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves. What you decide to do every day makes you a good person... or not.[/FONT][br][br]
# 16
# 17
OH! I see! Well then \m/.
# 18

Originally posted by daveasdf
Anybody have songs or material of theirs posted on the internet somewhere for others to listen to?
The only songs I've uploaded onto the internet are 2/3 year old electronica songs I made when I was 14. I thought I'd try to tap into the talentless, happy hardcore thing. I made progressive trance, happy hardcore and Drum and Bass. Listening to them now, they seem OK. I even got asked if some of my songs could get played on a few radio stations and asked to make a demo, where I clean up the sampling and other things. I even considered making a music video to send into some shows by tying a camera to a dog, letting it run around a carnivale then speed it up a bit and dub the music over. But I couldn't be bothered.
My first ever song.
another reasonable song
So forget the metal hand signals for a sec and pull out some glow sticks and strobe lights.
Latest News: Bird and bee have sex with disastrous results
# 19

It is a competition. If there was no competition people wouldnt practice as hard because theyd be less motivated etc. The only ppl who say its not about competition are the ones that always lose !! (understatement) Without competition i wouldn't be as good as i am now and probly the same for a lot of others
# 20