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Registered User
Joined: 01/24/02
Posts: 242
Registered User
Joined: 01/24/02
Posts: 242
10/29/2003 6:30 pm
I wish I could help ya out but I'm on a slow dialup & my internet provider has a cap on outgoing emails limiting me to only small attachments depending. Plus I can't risk posting them anywhere cause of my user agreements strict policies of not allowing the uploading of copyrighted materials. If I posted it on the net and they found out I could easily lose my service and unfortunately where I'm living, they're the only game in town.
All I can suggest is maybe sign on to alt.binaries.mp3.bootleg
and try doing a request for a repost. They might even still be there if your provider has a half decent retention of files.
Or just hang around for awhile on various mp3 newsgroups. A lot of this stuff is reposted regularly.