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Gargoyle Instructor
Joined: 04/06/01
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Gargoyle Instructor
Joined: 04/06/01
Posts: 2,093
10/23/2003 2:17 pm
well.. i guess i could name a few hundred, but i´ll stick to only a few ones:

Demons and Wizards "Fiddler on the green"
I love hansi´s studio voice (i´ve seen them live a few times.. he isnt half as good as in studio), but on that album its the only song that i like .. the others are somewhat meaningless compared to the BlindGuardian stuff.

Blind Guardian:
"The Bards Tale" (both forest and hobbit)
"I´m alive" (especially the part where he goes "hit me, nail, me make me god")
"Past and Future Secret"
"Quest for Tannelorn"
.. and alot more by BG

Bruce Dickinson/Iron Maiden:
"Tears of the Dragon" asweme (lol) song!
"Man Of Sorrows"
"Taking the Queen" (does ANYONE understand the meaning of the lyrics???)
"Gates of Urizen (sp?)"
"Infinite Dreams"
"Afraid to shoot strangers"

Rhapsody / Luca Turilli:
"Warriors Pride"
"Legendary Tales" (basically the whole album - listened to it when i read "The Lords of the Sky" by Angus Wells - it perfectly captured the mood although it has nothing to do with it)
"King of the nordic Twilight"

GammaRay / Helloween:
"Keeper of the Seven Keys I" (the whole album)
"Rebellion in Dreamland" (also the whole album)
"Heal me" (one of my all time favourites)
"Heading for tomorrow"

Their first album rocked my socks off - but the other albums where just weak copies of it

Running Wild:
"Treasure Island"
"Prisoners of our Time"
"Under Jolly Roger"
"Death or Glory"
"Wild Animal"
"Chains & Leather"

Grave Digger:
"The dark of the sun"
"The ballad of Mary"
"The Keeper of the Holy Grail"

"Penny Dreadfull"
"Inequality Street"
"Snake Charming"
"No deposit, No return" (fantastic tune with fantastic lyrics - martin walkyer writes by far the best lyrics i´ve read!)
"Quantity Time"
"I dubious"

Saviour Machine:
"Legend" the whole trilogy
"Saviour Machine I"
"American Babylon" (simply great)

.. there are way more, but thats all i can think of at the moment.

[FONT=Times New Roman]Holiness is in right action and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves. What you decide to do every day makes you a good person... or not.[/FONT][br][br]