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Joined: 10/31/01
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Joined: 10/31/01
Posts: 611
10/19/2003 6:25 pm
Emotive songs? Pink Floydd - comfortably numb and coming back to life are utterly brilliant.
Pearl jam I love, Black is very emotive. I like a song by Allanis Morrisette called "Thankyou", it's very melancholy.
Emotive music: There are so many great emotive guitar solos but interms of all round emotive tracks here are some - Prelude one by a little known Australian group called Sentience; it's got these gorgeous minor 9 arpeggios with some volume swell guitar over the top and a beautiful bass line. Terje Rypdal's QED movement 4 is utterly tragic - more volume swell guitar but with lots of strings and some beautiful melodies.
If I couldn't laugh at myself how could I laugh at someone less ridiculous?