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Joined: 05/26/03
Posts: 1,597
Joined: 05/26/03
Posts: 1,597
10/09/2003 11:24 am
You couldn't possibly mean me right hairbndrcker!?...haha can(try to)get a job...or you leach off the state and collect SSI...I get $730 a month for 3 hours of work.I see my shrink 3 times a month.
Yep,I dont earn it at all...Ive sufferd it(and still do)...but it is still a shamfull living.
I can work part time(no more than 36 hours or somthing...)So I was actually thinking about being a security gaurd.It contradicts my spite for (abused)authority,but would give some level of pride...and I'd feel big pushing around them punk teenagers!Mwah hahahaha!

Oh yeah...Today I got a JAM ROOM!!!The LL has a list he goes down usually(a waiting list)to call,but he said "tell ya what...I'm gonna rent you the room".I frigin jumped a mile...I gave him a deposit and we should be lugging in the gear by the 15th this month!Its all coming together,falling in place...YESSS!!!!!

ahem...Later \m/
Try once,fail twice...